Spring garden

So despite the all the hard freezes in early April things are coming along nicely in our garden beds.  Arugula, Spinach, Cabbage, Peas, Leeks, Lettuce, and most importantly Strawberries are doing great.  This is our first full spring growing and things are going well.  Here are some pics. 

Sometimes you have to stop and enjoy your surroundings

Sometimes we get so busy we forget to look around and take in all the wonderful things that surround us.  Toddlers do help sometimes in seeing the small things that are amazing.  Our kids found this newly emerged Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly yesterday, which I would have totally missed as I was thinking about things that needed to get done while we walked back to the house.  Also there are some lovely spring wildflowers out right now.  So I am going to try to be more in the here and now and take in what is around me, because there is a lot of wonderful things that could be missed otherwise.  Don't forget about our Summer Camp and our Nature Preschool programs.  Registration is going on right now. 

Spring is coming!

I think that all the animals are happy that spring is finally here.  The grass is growing, insects are coming out, and the song birds are singing.  We are working hard to take advantage of the weather.  Planting, garden beds being finishish, and getting the meat chicken tractor ready.  Also working on Summer Camp plans for the upcoming season.  You can check out our Summer Camp information under the programs section on the site.  Here are some pictures of what is going on.

Summer Camp is coming!!!

Hello everyone, summer camp is approching and now is the time to get your children signed up .  We are looking forward to a great summer learning with the animals and nature.  Games and creek time will be a big part of camp time too.  We are only 15 minutes from Weaverville and Burnsville and only 25 minutes from West Asheville.  So come on out and bring your kids for a summer camp experience they won't forget.  As always please contact us for more information at sunnytruthfarm@gmail.com

SunnyTruth Summer Camp 2016.jpg